Teaching Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar rule for any writer. Whether you`re a professional writer or a student, it`s crucial to understand this rule to avoid common grammatical errors. As a copy editor, I have encountered many writers who struggle with subject-verb agreement, and that`s why I believe it`s essential to teach this rule to everyone who wants to improve their writing.

Firstly, what is subject-verb agreement? Subject-verb agreement is the grammatical rule that the subject of a sentence must agree with the verb in number. In other words, if the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural.

For example, „My friend studies English“ is a correct sentence because the subject, „my friend,“ is singular, and the verb, „studies,“ is also singular. On the other hand, „My friends study English“ is also correct because the subject, „my friends,“ is plural, and the verb, „study,“ is also plural.

Teaching subject-verb agreement can be challenging, but there are several ways to make it easier for your students or writers. Here are some tips on teaching subject-verb agreement:

1. Start with the basics

Before teaching subject-verb agreement, ensure that your students or writers are familiar with nouns, verbs, and sentence structures. This knowledge will help them understand the rule better and make it easier to apply.

2. Use examples

Provide examples of sentences with correct subject-verb agreement and also incorrect sentences. This will help your students or writers see the difference between correct and incorrect subject-verb agreement.

3. Focus on common errors

Identify the most common errors in subject-verb agreement, such as using the wrong tense, confusing collective nouns, and irregular verbs. Focus on these areas to ensure your students or writers understand the rule.

4. Practice, practice, practice

The best way to learn subject-verb agreement is to practice using it. Provide your students or writers with worksheets and exercises to help them apply the rule. This will also help them identify their weak areas and improve their writing skills.

In conclusion, teaching subject-verb agreement is crucial for anyone who wants to improve their writing. As a copy editor, I have seen how this rule can impact the quality of a writer`s work. By starting with the basics, using examples, focusing on common errors, and practicing, you can help your students or writers master subject-verb agreement and become better writers.